Celebrating National Margarita Day with Dulce Vida Tequila
Today, February 22, happens to be a very important holiday that we at the Long Center are excited to be observing – National Margarita Day! If you know us, you know we love a good margarita. When you come to an event at the Long Center, it’s not hard to find this ~quintessentially Austin~ beverage (usually themed to pair with your show). And there’s someone very special we have to thank for that – our friends over at Dulce Vida Tequila!
This local business (who happens to be celebrating their 15th birthday🎉) has been a proud sponsor of the Long Center for the last two years, and we’ve seen firsthand how passionate they are about Austin. We love partnering with folks who value community just as much as we do, which is why we couldn’t help but take this national holiday as a chance to tell you a little more about them! Read on to get to know DV (and look out for a little hint about what they have in store 👀).

Photo by Brynn Osborn
Long Center: Before we get started, do you have a recommendation of something people could sip on while they read?
Dulce Vida: Sure! How about a delicious Dulce Vida margarita made with our Reposado tequila that’s aged 11+ months, organic and made without additives. We’ve recently garnered accolades on our Reposado such as a 93 Rating from Wine Enthusiast and The Robb Report said we have “The best organic Reposado tequila!”
LC: First and foremost, happy 15th birthday! Can you share a bit about the brand and how it all got started?
Dulce Vida: Thank you very much! Dulce Vida Tequila’s founders are members of the community and love that Austin is a cool, weird, eclectic city with a history of successful startup brands. It’s also one that shares our brand values, such as living an active, outdoorsy lifestyle, so what better place to launch an organic, zero additive, sustainable tequila than Austin, TX, baby! In our 15 years, the industry has added 2000 tequilas and we are the ‘originals’ FROM Austin! We were the first Austin tequila launched brand and we’re very proud of our roots.

Photo by Brynn Osborn
LC: What’s the impact you’re most proud of after 15 years in the Austin community?
Dulce Vida: Over the past 15 years we’ve been able to create meaningful relationships with various entities across town that do a lot of good for the Austin community. Being able to support organizations such as HAAM (The Health Alliance for Austin Musicians), The Trail Conservancy via the annual Maudie’s Moonlight Margarita Run, The Junior League of Austin, and Candlelight Ranch to name a few.
We’re proud of the partnerships we’ve created to further strengthen our Austin community. From our revered partnerships with historic entities such as The Long Center and Texas Longhorns Athletics, to the Austin Chronicle’s “Austin Music Awards” that highlight the important local music scene, to strong local art collectives like Almost Real Things, The Cathedral, and Good Dad Studios.
Dulce Vida Tequila is also proud to support organizations that champion inclusivity such as the ATX Gay Flag Football League, the Human Rights Campaign, and Out Youth, to name a few. It’s such an honor and privilege to showcase our 100% pure agave, zero additive, USDA Organic tequila to the Austin community. To stay connected with us and learn more, follow us on Instagram @DulceVidaTequila.
LC: We know Dulce Vida prioritizes sustainability. What are some sustainability goals you have for the next 15 years?
Dulce Vida: Yes, sustainability is very important to us. To catch people up, the concept of sustainability was very strategic in the selection of our tequila production facility as it not only had to be capable of making an award-winning product, but also had to meet requirements for organic production and overall sustainability measures. A complete recapture of all production waste is performed and yields a nutrient-rich soil supplement to the local farming community, as well as methane gas being captured to use as an energy source for the facility. Austin has always been a city that prioritizes the environment, holistic, natural approaches to wellness and clean living (ex. Whole Foods), so taking that shared ethos of sustainable practices and better-for-you products, it only made sense for our founders to create a tequila brand that did the same.
So, to answer your question on what sustainability goals that we have for the next 15 years…we plan to keep moving forward with our aforementioned processes to be a leading example in the tequila (and non-tequila) industry for other brands to take note from. For more information on our process, please visit DulceVidaSprits.com!

Photos by Gracie Oliver
LC: Obviously, Austin is THE place for Tex-Mex and margaritas. What’s your favorite part of being in a such bustling scene?
Dulce Vida: There are so many great places in Austin to get great food and great drinks (and see live music). It truly is a privilege to live in a place where so many places exist. We love it when a bartender/ mixologist/ restauranteur utilizes our amazing tequila to make an exceptional cocktail that people can enjoy. Part of what draws people to Dulce Vida Tequila is the fact that we’re organic and made without additives, which is highlighted in our flavor profile. It’s great to see our brand showcased in revered cocktails across the city. We love being integrated into great drinks that pair deliciously with the delectable culinary scene in Austin! Not to mention, add live music to your experience and Dulce Vida will fit right in.
LC: You’ve been partnered with the LC for 2 years now, and we’ve had a lot of fun along the way! What are some of your favorite parts of working together, and why do you think this partnership is important?
Dulce Vida: The Long Center has been an iconic venue in Austin for many years, helping support, highlight, and showcase the best there is to offer in the performing arts universe (locally and globally). The Long Center does a great job of bringing world renowned acts to our city for locals to enjoy while also championing established local acts and giving up-and-coming artists opportunities to highlight themselves. We love our partnership because The Long Center also offers incredible (and free!) experiential opportunities (The Drop In, for example) for locals to enjoy our city with the greatest view of Austin and our beautiful downtown skyline as the backdrop. Dulce Vida is proud to partner with The Long Center for doing such a great job of giving Austinites a place we are proud to call our own. Plus, we hear you can get a great Dulce Vida cocktail there!
LC: What are you most looking forward to as you begin your 16th year?
Dulce Vida: Dulce Vida is looking forward to another great year with The Long Center in 2025 with more great programming and of course, another great season of The Drop-In! We hear there might be some special date(s) in the works for The Drop-In – wink, wink, nudge, nudge – National Tequila Day is July 24th, just sayin…Keep an eye out for details! 🙂
At the Long Center, we’ve always got a new partnership or something cool we know you’ll want to check out! Find and follow us @longcenter on your social media platform of choice, and we’ll see you real soon.