This week’s Mid-Week Intermission features The Deer’s own Grace Rowland. Read along and find out how Grace has gotten back to art, back to writing, and back to amplified sound. Catch The Deer’s mix of folk, psych, and dream-pop on tonight’s Good Vibes Only, streaming at 7pm.
Dear Readers,
Grace here, from The Deer! We had the pleasure of filming our Good Vibes Only session at the Long Center back in November — it was the first amplified show we had played in many months and it felt like a dream. Playing music is our lifeblood, something we do 300 days out of most years. Having it taken away was a feeling not many can sympathize with, but the folks a the Long Center knew exactly what we were going through and made the experience feel so smooth and so safe.

So, what’s Grace been up to?
In lieu of musical performances, I’ve devoted much of my time to my second passion: art. Before the pandemic, my graphic design “day job” consisted mostly of show flyers and other promotional material, and band merch like stickers and tee shirts.

Since there’s not a lot of that going on either, I have been able to work more on my stained glass and cut paper gallery work. My partner and I have also begun building out a tour van, for the day when we can finally get on the road again. The bonus is that we have plenty of time to make it just right.

Pictured is my favorite spot to write and practice — on my great aunt Lucy’s upright piano, in my living room in South Austin. My quarantine puppy and co-writer Pippin is ready to help me create.

I just want to close with my deepest sympathies for all whose lives have been upended this year. You are not alone; don’t be afraid to reach out. We who thrive on the warmth of the stage lights and the roar of the crowd will have our day in the sun again. We need only bide our time until our culture blossoms once again, for after the great plague came the Renaissance.
Blessings to you and to your homes.
Tune In — You can catch Grace tonight on Good Vibes Only featuring The Deer. Click here at 7pm to see the show streaming free on Luck.Stream from our friends at Luck Reunion. See you there!